

Actually there is no installation proccess for HTML5 content, you can just double-click index.html file to open it.
But there are a restriction for local HTML file, browser can't load local files, so this restriction causing all game assets like images and sounds can't be loaded and shown.

You can fix it by opening the game (html) with localserver.
Local server apps: Laragon, NodeJS, USBWebserver (Light weight) and there are many other similar software.

If you upload the game files on live webserver (Your website), it should run fine without any technical issues.

Webserver (FTP) upload tips: If you never upload a HTML5 game, you may want to read this section.
Instead of using regular Web FTP, is recommended to use FTP software like WinSCP instead, I also use WinSCP to upload HTML5 games.
After successfully connected to FTP with WinSCP, you can create a game folder called "test" on your root domain. open your newly created folder then drag and drop "html5" folder that contain HTML5 game files (index.html, audio, images.etc) to WinSCP, after all files is uploaded, you can visit "" to play the game.

Item Structure

As you see, there is 2 main folder inside item file, "cloudarcade" and "html5" folder.

cloudarcade folder mean, the game inside this folder is suitable for CloudArcade CMS or this game version is already integrated with CloudArcade API.

html5 folder mean, is a clean HTML5 version of the game, this version is not contain any external API. This is not game source, the game source have .c3p file extension or also called Construct 3 project.

admob folder mean, it's a version that already integrated with Admob ads.

You need active Construct 3 subscription to be able to edit game source (c3p).

If you're new to Construct 3, you can learn how to use it with link below.
Constrcut 3 beginner guide.

Game project (Construct)

As you see, there are 2 game mode in this game, "Level" and "Endless", in the Project it's use different Layout for gameplay.

"Level" or campaign mode Layout is "GameCampaign" and "Endless" layout is "GameEndless", but these 2 Layout using 1 eventsheet called "eGame".

Game customization

Add / remove levels

level/stage layout or data is stored in JSON file located at "Project > Files > Levels", you can insert or delete level here.

Update total levels

Level map is dynamic, you can just change "total_level" variable value from "eMap" to number of levels you want, the map list will be generated automatically depend on "total_level", there is no limitation.

Another configuration

There are another configuration you can adjust on "eGame" event, the "width" and "height" wont affect for "level" or campaign mode.

Level Editor:

You can create custom level here
Yes is "Sweet Candy Saga" Level Editor, but it's compatible with Jewel Treasure level data.


Open .c3p file inside "admob" folder with Construct editor (you can drag and drop it into Construct editor page)

Change game details

Select "MobileAdvert" plugin. Object types > Plugins > MobileAdvert

On plugin properties, uncheck "Test mode" to show real ads

For Android, fill "Android Application ID" you got from AdMob (when creating ad unit), I asume you already know how to create AdMob Ad Unit / Unit ID.

Note: Android Application ID have "~" character, ex: ca-app-pub-25006800053~7220xxx

Open "eGlobal" eventsheet, change "admob_banner_id" and "admob_interstitial_id" to your ad unit id, leave it blank to not use it.

Exporting to Android

Menu > Project > Export

Then select "Android"

Set "Android build" to "Signed release APK"

Scroll down, use your own keystore. I asume you already have keystore.

Click next, then the build process begin.

Note: Banner ads shown on layout "Menu" only, at top position. and the Interstitial ads shown when the game is over or completed, you can change it by modifying game events.

Thanks for your purchase!